Goal-setting foundations for pre-K–2 teachers

Goal setting with students is a fundamental part of learner empowerment. InStep into Student Goal Setting: A Path to Growth, Motivation, and Agency, my colleague Chase Nordengren says, “Goals represent the path of learning from beginner to expert. But students don’t all take a single path and aren’t even all headed toward the same destination.”

We can help children reach their destination at even the earliest stages of learning. By building a community of students who are in control of their learning journey in the youngest grades, we can begin to create lifelong learners. Here are three ways to practice goal setting with students in pre-K through second grade.

1. Use goal-setting language daily

According to theChildCare Education Institute, we can start student goal setting with our littlest learners by being intentional about using goal-setting language. By using specific words in our day-to-day routine, we present children the foundation for being able to set goals for themselves in the future. Goal-setting language consists of words such as “plan,” “goal,” “result,” and “growth.”

We know that in early childhood, students often learn through play. We can use goal-setting language when students are playing and infuse it into our instruction. TheChildCare Education Institute gives practical ideas and question stemsfor using goal-setting language daily with young children. Asking students their plan for play, for example, helps get their little minds thinking about their thinking. You could ask them what steps they are going to take to be successful in building a block tower or if there is any way you can help them with their plan. This simple metacognitive activity will help establish a goal culture in your classroom.



First, we need to understand the difference between mastery and performance goals. Here are some useful definitions fromStep into Student Goal Setting:

  • “掌握目标是那些专注于增加目标赛事的能力或对主题的理解的目标。”
  • “Performance goals are those goals that focus on helping the learner appear competent or outperform others.”

Performance goals can be unintentionally detrimental to young learners because they put them in direct competition with one another. They can also make the time it takes to learn something public, causing feelings of shame in students who learn more slowly. For example, while it can be tempting to hang a sight word chart with student names that move up the chart as they learn more words, displays like this can do more harm than good in establishing a culture for learning.


3. Set intentional class goals to create unity

Class goals are great in early childhood because they create opportunities for you to celebrate as a classroom community, in addition to helping you build that goal-setting culture you’re aiming to achieve.


Kids are never too young to start practicing goal setting. In fact, the sooner they do, the better.


无论您是制定行为还是学术目标,侧重于如何让您成为课堂社区,然后庆祝成功。您可以随心所欲地获得创造性,以及如何代表课程目标和朝着见面的进展。我喜欢这个“goalball” machine一位老师在Pinterest上发布。如果目标不是课程,它就为团队一起思考提供了一个很好的学习机会。下次完成目标是什么?你是否将目标设置得太高了?建模目标预期作为一类是一个伟大的,无威胁到目标环境的概论,建立合作和学习的文化。

Start now

Kids are never too young to start practicing goal setting. In fact, the sooner they do, the better. Even the youngest children can benefit from the feeling of accomplishment that accompanies success. Helping them feel that often—and understand the path they took to get there—can give them the boost they need to feel really excited about learning each and every day.

We can lay the foundation for student goal-setting principles early by using goal-setting language and creating individual and class goals. Goal-setting language gets our youngest learners attuned to words that help them develop a plan for their learning. Individual and class goals teach students what it is like to set and achieve goals.

了解更多about student goal setting by readingStep into Student Goal Setting: A Path to Growth, Motivation, and Agencyor watching our goal-setting webinar,“目标意味着增长:使用学生的目标设定跳跃学生的动机和成功,”on demand.


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