OECD Test for Schools | Preparing Students to Succeed

OECD Test for Schools | Preparing Students to SucceedWe’ve blogged consistently on student assessment, most notably interim assessments likeMAP®andMAP for Primary Grades (MPG), andformative assessmentfor day-to-day and minute-to-minute evaluation of student learning. But what if you could assess a sample of students to get actionable data that can be used to drive your school improvement efforts. What if you could answer questions like these:

  • Is the climate at your school conducive to learning?
  • How does my school compare to other schools in the US and around the globe?
  • To what extent are students’ skills in science and mathematics related to their motivation and belief in their capacity to solve difficult tasks?
  • How motivated are students at your school compared to those of other schools?

The OECD Test for Schoolsgives you the key analytics and unique insight on students’ applied knowledge, as well as the school’s learning environment, that allow you to answer these questions and more.

Educators need reliable, actionable insights on how well their schools are preparing students for the real world. Today more than ever, there is a need for new and different types of information that focus not only on academic performance, but also on the application of knowledge and 21st century skills, such as critical thinking and problem solving. The OECD Test for Schools leveragesthe scale and rigor of PISAand provides educators the school-level information they need to inform program and system level changes. Unlike PISA, which compares countries’ educational systems as a whole, the OECD Test for Schools assesses individual schools, allowing them to compare themselves to other schools in the United States and around the world.

The OECD Test for Schools provides robust information that can be used to inform instructional practice improvements and program changes at both the school and system level. Using an efficient student sampling model, the data from the OECD Test for Schools illuminates what 15-year-old students know and can do in reading, mathematics, and science. Details on the distribution of students across a range of proficiency levels provides insight on the kinds of tasks they are able to perform. The broad array of school data in the report, coupled with the best practice examples and case studies from around the world, can help transform teaching and learning and improve student outcomes.

The OECD Test for Schools is the only test of its kind, providing reliable data on how well a school is preparing students for success in life.”

As part of taking the OECD Test for Schools, students complete a questionnaire that provides extensive information about the learning climate at schools. These insights are being used to inform instructional practice changes and improve the learning environment. As a result, schools using the OECD Test for Schools are seeing increased student engagement, as well as improvements in academic performance.

The OECD Test for Schools is the only test of its kind, providing reliable data on how well a school is preparing students for success in life. Educators from urban, suburban, and rural districts alike have repeatedly confirmed that the OECD Test for Schools is a compelling and useful tool for improving schools and student outcomes. You can read more about how schools are using the testhere.


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