
What does it mean to communicate学习者及其家人?当我刚开始教学时,我认为这只是意味着提供信息。回想起来,我可以看到我在说话at他们。我最终学会了关键区别:交流学生和看护者意味着确保交流是学习者和以学习为中心的,即包容性,易于访问和有意义的。

这是指向沟通行动的变化at交流交流的学习者和照顾者学习者和看护者是从成为学习者经理转变为授权者. And that makes communication the fifth—and last—principle ofassessment empowerment.

The difference talking, 不是at,学生做

作为一名二级老师,我受过培训成为内容专家,一个无所不知的人(据说!)知道所有学习信息,步骤和结果需要传达出来students and their caregivers. I was also magically supposed to knowhow至communicate all of this effectively.

直到我的职业生涯才知道,如果进行交流交流,学习者的成功,福祉和自我效能就更有可能all the members of the learning team. Instead of working by myself to convey information学生和照顾者,我学会了使用协作交流他们,让每个人都能得到更好的了解,并使他们更有效,响应和授权学习决策。


Here is an example of what this difference can look like in action: Early in my career, at the beginning of the school year or semester, I would send home the class syllabus and direct students to give the document to a caregiver and ask the adult to read and sign it. Students would then return it to me. Later in my career, after I learned more about becoming a learner empowerer, students and I would digest class information together starting on the first day. That would put us in a great place to co-create classroom learning agreements, such as a社会契约or class constitution. Students would then take this co-created information to an adult, review the information with them, and ask the adult to add an idea or question. Back in class, we would use those ideas and questions to refine our agreements. We then used them to guide our collaboration as a learning team.



当我转向参与学生和护理人员一起处理学习信息,步骤或结果 - 首先是课堂上,然后是一口大小的协作行动a caregiver or other adult outside of class—frustration decreased, and productive engagement, learning success, and self-efficacy increased. There was greater understanding of policies, even those made by school or district leaders, because there was active discussion for the reasons behind the guidelines. It also became much simpler to engage in响应迅速的教学实践, such as peer feedback andself-assessment, because we had already nurtured the conditions and routines for collaborative exchanges of information. These actions nurture listening, clarity, and collaboration, so they also align withtrauma-informed practices.

[L]如果进行交流交流all the members of the learning team.


1. Replace “I” with “we”

我如何做到这一点:Just thinking about switching from talkingatpeople to talking对我来说,它们是关键的起点。我开始经常使用“我们”一词!

为什么我这样做:After adjusting those tiny yet mighty words—“I” and “we”—it was easier to slowly but surely figure out how to shift my communication practices overall away from learner-manager directives to learner-empowerer exchanges.

2. Process learning information with students beginning on the first day


为什么我这样做:To immediately support student understanding, establish routines for their ongoing active contributions and self-efficacy, and prepare them to share the information以包容性,可访问和有意义的方式在家中的支持人员。

3. Collaborate with students on shared agreements during the first week

我如何做到这一点:Instead of reading the syllabus to the students, I used拼图技术或另一个协作形成性评估策略,以使成对或小组消化课程提纲信息,尤其是不可谈判的期望,例如安全性和尊重。汇报拼图后,我将他们的注意力转移到了信息的班级阶级部分上。在他们的成对或小组中,学生将写下可以支持每个人的成功,福祉和自我效能的行动的例子。接下来,学生将圈出前两个想法。然后,我促使他们将信息和他们的想法带给一个值得信赖的成年人,查看信息,并让成年人增加两个动作想法。最后,学生带回了这些想法,以便我们可以一起选择最佳的动作。然后将操作发布在学习空间中,因此我们可以全年都使用并根据需要进行更新。



我如何做到这一点:在学年的初期,我为学生提供了与护理人员或生活中其他任何成年人担任导师或其他支持人员一起参与我们的初步学习信息的选择。他们会要求这个成年人添加反馈或问题。在本期的晚些时候,我为学生创造了与成年人在家中分享工作的机会。例如,练习同行反馈或self-assessmentin class, I would prompt students to share their draft with their support person, once again seeking feedback or a question. Students would then return to class with feedback or questions we could use to further refine skills or better understand the learning goal and routes for success.


请注意,还有许多其他方法可以加强与学习者和护理人员的交流。我特别喜欢Edutopia的这三篇文章,这些文章的重点是如何在您,您的学生和在课堂外支持他们的成年人之间建立强有力的合作:“用一百万个或更少的单词了解您的学生,”“学生主导的会议如何集中学习之旅”“Teacher-parent communication strategies to start the year off right.”


As you know, there are multiple layers of communication in an educational ecosystem. In this post, I gave examples of the classroom level of the ecosystem, but I encourage you to consider how the same kind of thinking and action can make an impact at other levels. For example, how can educators at the school, district, and even state level of the ecosystem shift from communicatingatlearners and caregivers to engaging in communication exchangeslearners and caregivers? This ecosystem-wide shift in communication is necessary to reinforce our hard work and the hard work of colleagues, students, and caregivers.

If you haven’t done so already, I recommend choosing one action step that can help shift systems and practices from learning communication directedatlearners and caregivers to engaging in learning communication学生和照顾者。为了帮助您决定采取行动步骤,这里有一些提示进行进一步思考和讨论。

  • 我如何积极听取学生及其照顾者做出明确的决定?至少两种方式命名。
  • What’s an example of a time I communicatedatstudents instead ofthem? What’s one thing I could have done differently to foster more collaborative communication?
  • In what ways are my students engaged as active agents in my assessment communication processes? Name at least two ways.
  • 我可以在评估沟通过程中吸引学生作为活跃代理的一种方法?
  • 我可以分享我的沟通成功的一种方式担任学校,地区或国家领导人的教育家?

To learn more about assessment empowerment, read my previous posts on this topic:“It’s time to embrace assessment empowerment,”“从原则上开始您的评估授权旅程:学习者环境”,”“继续使用原则2:学习环境和人际关系来继续您的评估授权工作”,”“More on assessment empowerment: The power of knowing your purpose,”“评估授权原则4:响应式学习周期。”





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